Basic Book Information

Publisher: Harcourt Brace

Copyright: 1955

ISBN: 0-15-230214-X


Langstaff, John, author

Rojankobsky, Feodor, illustrator

Book Type: Single Song Title

Reading Levels

Grade Level Equivalent:

Lexile Measure:

DRA Level:

Guided Reading Level:

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Book Subject: (Key Words): frogs, animals, courting, ballads, tales, personification

Book Description: This book is an illustrated retelling of one version of the folk song "Frog Went a Courtin'". In this version, Frog and Mouse wish to marrYES. This story tells of their wedding plans which are ultimately ruined by a hungry cat.

Book Illustrations: The illustrations are well placed to illustrate the text and easy to see and understand.

Read Aloud Adjustments: This book is well suited for a read along. However, the book is a little bit long. It might be possible to skip a few pages if time is an issue without taking away from the read along experience.


Book Description –   Single Song Title – Folk Songs

Song Type: Folk Song

Song Title: Frog Went A-Courtin'

Source 1: 150 American Folk Songs to sing read and play

Source 2: Heritage Songster

Source 3: Folk Songs North America Sings: A source book for all teachers

Comparison of book and folk song:  There are many different versions of this song. Each version is different from the one in the text either in terms of melody or rhythm or text. The English version found in the Heritage Songster is the closest to the one found in this text.

Book Description  - Notation Description

Notation: YES

Description: Simple, easy to read and sing.

Range: M13

Tonality: G major

Form: AB

Meter:  Simple Quadruple

Instructional Resources

related to American folk songs, related to music concepts for kinder, folktales, oral tradition

Resource 1:

Calogero, J. (2002). Integrating music and children's literature. Music Education Journal, 23-30. Retrieved from

Resource 2:

Houlahan, M., & Tacka, P. (2015). Kodály in the kindergarten classroom: Developing the creative brain in the 21st century (Kindle Edition ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Pedagogical Suggestions

Kodaly Lesson Ideas

Song Acquisition: YES

Aural Skills: YES

Music Reading:

Music Writing:

Singing Games: YES

Singing Skills:

Grade Level: Kindergarten - 3rd grade

Idea: During the first reading of the book, the teacher can ask the students to echo the (hmm-hmm,) sol-mi section of the book as the students listen to the story.

Grade Level: 2nd grade - 3rd grade

IDEA: Children familiar with the song can create a hand game using solfege syllables sol and do. On the repetition of sol-do students touch hands down low for low sol and then move hands in an upward motion for do. For each repetition, switch hands. Other pitches can be added to make the play of the game more interesting.

Orff-Schulwerk Lesson Ideas

Speech as Rhythm:


Creative Movement: YES


Instrumental Exploration:

Instrumental Accompaniment: YES


Grade level: 1st grade - 2nd grade

Idea: Students can act out the story. There are lots of characters in this version of the song. Students not acting out a character for the retelling of the story can provide a simple instrumental accompaniment.

Fine Arts Integration Lesson Ideas

Language Arts: YES



Social Studies:

Fine Arts:

Grade level: 4th grade - 5th grade

Idea: Students can compare this version of the song and book with the version illustrated by Iza Trapani using a Venn Diagram.

Generative Theory of Music Learning Lesson Ideas

Content/Concept: refrain

Context: Froggie Went a Courtin'

Behavior: Organizing - composing

Mode: enactive (action based)

Level of Cognition: middle diverge

Grade level: 3rd grade - 5th grade

Idea: In each version of this song there is a refrain included in the form. Students could be given the task of creating a new refrain. Once established, the new refrain could be used as the book is reread.

Social Constructivist Lesson Ideas

Real World Problems: YES

Peer Interaction: YES

Collaboration: YES

Open Ended Products: YES

Embedded Assessment: YES


Grade level: 2nd grade - 4th grade

Idea: Students can be given the task of writing an alternate ending that does not include the Tomcat crashing the party.