Instructions for the use of the MIMBAP form
Gather all information associated with the book first.
Once in the form, you will have the opportunity to contribute information such as web addresses and titles of other media that might be a good complement to the book you are submitting. You CAN come back and edit a response, but it is much faster to enter in all of the information at once.
After you submit you will receive a prompt that looks like the picture below.

Choose to have google forms send a copy of your response to your email address.
Choosing to receive a copy of your response will provide you with a record of the ideas generated within the form. As you submit new books your collection of fully vetted children's books will grow.
When you reach the submission page, you will see that there is a toggle switch. To receive a copy of your work, make sure that the switch is toggled to the right as seen in the picture below.

If you wish to edit your response, save the URL.
When editing a response, a white box will appear reminding you that you are editing an existing record. The URL associated with the record can be saved for editing at a later date.

To contribute book suggestions or lesson ideas, fill out the form below.